

Conventional cancer treatments destroy both cancer cells and healthy cells. Choose a naturally healthy approach to cancer with these top resources.

Conventional cancer treatments destroy both cancer cells and healthy cells. Choose a naturally healthy approach to cancer with these top resources.

Cancer is a word that stops everyone in their tracks. As a dog-owner you dread hearing this terrifying diagnosis. And it’s not an unreasonable fear. Half of adult dogs today will get cancer. 

That’s why prevention is key. So here you’ll learn how you can support your dog’s immune health throughout her entire life. And that means knowing the risks of everything in your dog’s daily environment. From vaccines, antibiotics, steroids and other pharmaceuticals … to pest prevention, food choices, shampoos and even your own personal household products. All these things can be factors in your dog’s ability to resist disease. 

And if your dog does get cancer, information and support is available right here. You can find out about different treatment options that are available for the type of cancer your dog has. You’ll learn whether you should use conventional or natural treatments … or a combination of both. You’ll read about natural remedies, immune support, nutrition, food, nutraceuticals and supplements. And you’ll find candid advice from some of the world’s leading holistic veterinarians with experience in this disease. 

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