

6 Homeopathic Treatments For Dog Abscesses

dog abscesses

An abscess is an infection that opens up into a pus-filled pocket. Abscesses commonly occur on the skin as the result of a puncture wound and can also occur in the mouth at the base of a tooth.

The pus inside the abscess is an accumulation of dead bacteria and dead white blood cells which the body releases to inhibit bacterial growth. The body forms a pocket so the bacteria and resulting infection do not spread to the rest of the body.

If all goes well, the body will fight off the infection and the body will gradually absorb the pus, leaving the abscess to heal on its own. If the body is not able to clean up the infection, the pus will continue to accumulate, putting pressure on the skin and eventually the abscess will rupture.

Sometimes, the abscess will continue draining but will not heal (this is called a fistula). This can often be the case if there is a foreign object such as a hawthorn in the tissue. And your dog will need a little help clearing them out.

Homeopathy For Dog Abscesses

There are homeopathic remedies that can be quite useful for abscesses. Which one you choose will rely mainly on the appearance of the abscess and of the pus. Herbs 2000 has compiled a nice reveiw of potential remedies:

1. Belladonna

Belladonna is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of abscess affected individuals especially in the acute symptomatic stages. This remedy can be utilized for all forms of abscesses or boils that display very violent symptoms in the person and those which arise very suddenly in the body.

Some of the typical symptoms can include:

  • a burning heat in the affected region of the skin
  • reddened, dry and swollen area of the skin.
  • throbbing attacks of pain
  • cutting types of pain in the area of the abscess

The remedy can also be used in the treatment of an impending abscess before it fully develops, and in cases of boils before pus or thick bloody pus begins to form.

The affected region of the body is characterized by the presence of spreading red streaks on the surface of the skin. This remedy can also be used in the case of boils on the face, in case of abscess of the throat, in the liver, the joints and other areas such as the breasts, and the glands all over the body.

The condition of such patients typically tends to worsen when they are exposed to cold drafts, when they are touched, or if they are subjected to jarring, the condition of the patient may also be aggravated after 3 pm at night, and in general at all times past midnight, and more so when lying down. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Belladonna as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of abscess in the affected individual.

2. Hepar sulphur

Hepar sulphur can be used as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of abscesses as it brings the pustule to a head and causes it to break – thus aiding in healing and recovery.

The patient tends to have symptoms such as:

  • the development of a hardened area
  • hot, throbbing skin in the affected region
  • the presence of sharp shooting, splinter-like pain in the abscess
  • area tends to be extremely tender to the touch and is very sensitive to pressure.

The abscess is given to bleeding very easily and must be carefully handled. This form of abscess forms whenever infection occurs in a wound. Such abscesses tend to be characterized by the presence of abundant, thick and acrid pus which can be easily identified. The pus has a peculiar odor and smells cheesy or sour. Such abscesses can occur in areas of the body such as the tonsils and the gums, in the breasts, the lungs or the sinus, in the rectum, and even in the lymph glands of the individual. These forms of pustules or boils can often come out or break out in crops and affect a large area.

The condition of the patient often worsens at nighttime, and when the patients is exposed to the cold air, to sudden drafts, or when he or she is uncovered, and such patients are sensitive to touch. The condition of the patient may significantly improve when he or she is wrapped in warm clothes.

The presence of one or more of these symptoms in the patient, calls for the immediate use of Hepar sulphur as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of abscesses in the patient.

3. Lachesis

Lachesis is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients affected with boils that have a dark bluish or purplish tinge in the affected area; the skin around the main boil often has many smaller boils in a cluster.

These forms of boils tend to be very bloody or black and the pustules in general are often painful. These boils can result from blood poisoning that the person has suffered. The patient often cannot bear the bandage in the affected area. This type of abscess can also often affect various internal organs such as the tonsils and the ovaries besides other areas in the body.

The symptoms of these boils in a person include the presence of burning pains at most times boils tend to arise because of the body having some ulceration due to other causes. These forms of abscess develop in a gradual manner, they tend to heal in a very incomplete manner and leave a typical hardened area in the affected site after completion. The boils tend to bleed very easily.

The condition of the patient can often greatly worsen during the nighttime and the patient is very sensitive to the slightest pressure from a touch, the condition of the patient can also be aggravated by any constriction, by heat, and the left side of the body is more sensitive to pressure if the boil occurs there. The condition of the patient can significantly improve after he or she has bathed.

The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Lachesis as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the patient.

4. Mercurius

Mercurius is to be used as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of abscesses that produce thin yellow-green and foul smelling pus; this discharge tends to be extremely acrid. The abscess tends to have a very prickling pain in the affected region and the skin tends to burn and sting at all times.

Such abscesses may develop in the glands, in the gums, on the tonsils, or in internal organs such as the liver and the ovaries, the breasts, the bone, and even the brain are other areas where these could develop.

This remedy must be used in the treatment of recurrent boils as the remedy speeds up suppuration and recovery. The remedy can also be used in the treatment of all abscesses that develop slowly or in the case of cold abscesses.

All such abscesses are characterized by the discharge of abundant pus from the affected area. The patients also tend to suffer from ulceration of all types. The affected individual also tends to have pustules with a very foul odor which affects the smell of the sweat, along with the pus itself, and even the saliva of such persons may become foul. The abscess affected person often suffers from chills because of the problem. Another typical physical symptom is the swelling of the glands.

The condition of the patient often worsens during the nighttime, the patient is very easily aggravated by both heat and cold and drafts, and will worsen in damp weather.

The presence of one or more of these symptoms in the patient requires the immediate use of Mercurius as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the abscess.

5. Silicea

Silicea can be used as a general homeopathic remedy in the treatment of boils, fistulas and abscesses of all types on the body.

Such abscesses tend to affect areas of the body such as the bones, the joints, the cornea, and can occur in the glands and the tonsils, in the region of the breast, and even on the gums. The abscesses tend to have pus which is colored yellow or green, it is generally very thick, or sometimes thin and can often be bloody or tinged with blood, these discharges tend to have a very foul odor.

The remedy can be used in the treatment of boils which have hardened in the affected area of the body. The use of this particular remedy is also recommended for all cases where the abscess fails to discharge and in cases where the pus keeps coming for a long period of time. The remedy can also be used if a wound with an abscess fails to heal over a long period of time. The silicea in general promotes the closure of the pustule, and leads to a prevention of scarring or scar tissue formation in the affected area of skin. These abscesses can lead to secondary infections as they get infected very easily.

The homeopathic remedy is particularly effective in expelling foreign objects and related infectious pathogens from the body.

The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when he or she is exposed to cold and damp conditions or weather, and when he or she is exposed to drafts, the patient may be very sensitive to jarring movements, and the symptoms are aggravated during the night. The condition of the patient can substantially improve when some heat is applied topically. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate utilization of Silicea as a homeopathic treatment for the abscess.

6. Sulphur

Sulphur can be used in the homeopathic treatment of all types of abscesses, boils and pimples especially the ones that tend to occur in crops on the affected area.

The typical outward sign of such pustules are:

  • the formation of offensive smelling, thin yellow pus
  • often bloody, and contains bubbles, that all tend to form a crust on the surface of the affected area
  • presence of extreme burning sensations
  • stinging and itching in the affected parts

The remedy can also be used to treat all forms of ulcerations in the patient. The treatment is especially suggested for all kinds of abscesses that develop on the skin, in the glands, in the internal organs, and on the gums of the affected individual.

These abscesses tend to form out of wounds that have become too easily infected and have led to the formation of a pustule. The remedy can be effectively used to treat all recurrent or persistent abscesses on any part of the body. It is suggested for abscesses that are sluggish in healing, and those which have parts that remain sore even after a full recovery.

The condition of the patient tends to significantly worsen when the individual is in the warmth of a bed, and around 11 am, the patient’s condition can also significantly worsen during the night, and if the person is given to excessive scratching. The condition of the patient often improves with the application of a warm compress as a topical measure on the affected region of the skin. The presence of one or more of these symptoms in the patient requires the immediate use of Sulphur as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the abscessed area.

Generally, a 30C potency would work fine for any of these remedies.  You can give the first dose as a dry dose and if you need to redose, consider giving the remedy in a wet dose for greater action.

With the right remedy choice, you can avoid a costly vet visit and save your dog the discomfort of lancing and the detrimental effects of antibiotics.

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