Does your dog hide under the bed every time there’s a thunderstorm? How about when you take him for a car ride or when he has to meet new people? Or what about when you leave him alone at home for a few hours?
If your dog gets nervous, anxious or stressed out, there are certain things you can do to calm him down …
… and one of the best is to use CBD oil for anxiety.
But what is it? Is it safe and and how do you find the highest quality?nd will it calm your anxious dog?
What’s Causing The Anxiety?
Anxiety affects dogs in many different ways and like people, some are more susceptible to it than others. Common reasons for anxiety can be …
- Situational – such as thunderstorms, fireworks, strangers and travel
- Behavioral – like separation anxiety
Symptoms of dog anxiety include:
- Pacing
- Panting
- Whimpering
- Trembling
- Aggression
- Peeing or pooping on the floor despite being house trained
- Nervous licking of the lips
- Loss of appetite
Luckily, CBD oil can work on all of these symptoms and give your dog some much needed relief.
CBD Oil For Anxiety
What is CBD oil? CBD oil (Cannabidiol) is a natural substance extracted from the hemp plant. For thousands of years, people have been using the hemp plant for everything from rope to medicinal purposes. One of those medicinal purposes is anxiety relief … but not in the way you might expect.
There’s a lot of confusion between CBD and marijuana. They both come from the same source, the hemp plant … but there’s an important difference: CBD doesn’t contain THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) … the component that makes you high. Instead, research shows CBD oil works by interacting with the body’s naturally occurring endocannabinoid system to soothe and calm anxiety naturally.
The endocannabinoid system is a complex biological system that’s not yet well understood. What we do know is that the body has cannabinoid receptors throughout the central nervous system, the organs and the brain … and hese receptors make up the endocannabinoid system.
When the body naturally releases endocannabinoid chemicals, they connect with the receptors. That stimulates the body’s natural ability to create serotonin, a natural mood stabilizer. CBD oil enhances this natural ability.
CBD Oil Isn’t Just For Anxiety
Studies show that CBD oil is beneficial for both acute and chronic issues – not just anxiety.
Because CBD oil supports the immune system’s ability to modulate activity, it allows the body to manage cellular degeneration. This helps prevent conditions like …
- Arthritis and joint issues
- Neurological disorders (such as seizures)
- Tumors and cancers
Studies also show it helps with:
- Pain relief
- Regulating mood
- Seizures
- Diabetes
Using CBD oil for anxiety is just one of the ways to help heal your dog naturally.
RELATED: 10 Reasons To Use Full Spectrum Hemp Oil For Dogs …
How To Find High-Quality CBD Oil
You can find CBD oil for dogs in the form of tinctures, treats, extracts and topical creams and in a variety of strengths. But with so many products on the market, the quality and effectiveness varies widely. So which is best for your dog?
You want to start with the source. Here are some questions to ask the seller of your product:
- Is it organic? High quality CBD oils are made from organically-grown hemp.
- What’s the extraction method? The best extraction method is super-critical C02 (carbon dioxide). Other products use ethanol or other natural solvents, which can reduce the product’s effectiveness. Avoid cheaper products made with propane, butane or petroleum products. These solvents will leave a residue in the product and can be toxic to your dog.
- Is it independently tested? Independent lab results and a certificate of analysis should be easy to access … always ask to see a COA to check that your product is full-spectrum, contains the amount of CBD it claims, and is free ot contaminants.
- What’s the THC count? Some companies make CBD oils from a high THC plant which can also be toxic to animals. It should be less than .3% THC.
One critical factor you can use as a gauge to the quality is price. Expect to pay around $50 for a bottle of high quality CBD oil in a 250 mg strength … though that’s not the only marker. It’s also important to investigate the company’s website and/or talk with a distributor. Reputable dealers conduct independent lab tests and are committed to the quality of their product.
Besides quality, CBD oils vary in strength too … usually from 125mg to 1000 mg. As a good starting point, buy CBD oil for dogs in a 250 mg to 500 mg to help your dog with anxiety.
CBD Oil Dosage For Anxiety
The actual dosage amount will depend on the size of your dog and the product strength. Follow the manufacturer’s dosing guidelines for the appropriate product strength as well as your dog’s size.
What can you expect after dosing your dog?
Some dogs show immediate relief. Others may require a few days before they show the effects. It’s a good idea to make notes (or even take a video) after each dose to see if there are changes. Every dog has different cannabinoid receptors, so don’t be afraid to increase the dose by a few drops until you find an effective level.
With ongoing research in the world of CBD and the endocannabinoid system, there’s still a lot to learn and new discoveries will continue to be made. Meanwhile, it’s clear CBD oil is a great remedy to have in your dog’s medicine kit … for anxiety, pain and more.
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Chakravarti B, Ravi J, Ganju RK. Cannabinoids as therapeutic agents in cancer: current status and future implications. Oncotarget. 2014;5(15):5852-5872.
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