One of the most important supplements your dog needs is omega fatty acids. Without them your dog’s immune system, hormones and inflammatory response won’t work properly. And that will increase his risk of illness and disease.
The good news is omega fats are easy to add to your dog’s diet. And one of the best sources is a little flower you’ve probably never heard of …
What’s Ahiflower?
Ahiflower is also known as Buglossoides arvensis. It grows on Prince Edward Island in Canada but historically it’s from the United Kingdom. In fact, ahiflower has had a rich history in the English countryside since it was first recorded in 1597. Its common names also include stoneseed and corn gromwell.
Each ahiflower bloom produces up to four seeds, which are then collected and pressed, creating ahiflower oil. Ahiflower oil is a sustainable omega-rich oil and it’s the best all-around comprehensive blend of omegas available. This means ahiflower oil is an incredible healthy resource for your dog.
Why You Should Give Your Dog Ahiflower Oil
After protein, fats are the second most important part of your dog’s diet. Omega fatty acids are essential to a dog’s health. The right fats can make your dog healthier and happier, reduce inflammation and create a soft, silky coat. They also provide energy, control hormones and help with cell growth. Fats are even involved with the immune system, making them essential for a healthy dog. Studies have even found that omega-3 fatty acids can help protect your dog from cancer.
Dogs need both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. And ahiflower oil is the best all-around blend of both. It’s a rich resource for the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that your dog needs to be healthy.
RELATED: Why your dog needs more omega-3 …
What Omega Fats Does Your Dog Need?
There are many different omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids your dog needs in his diet. Common omega-6 fatty acids and their sources include:
- Linoleic acid (LA) – pro-inflammatory omega fat that’s linked to healthy skin and coat.
- Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) – an important anti-inflammatory that’s only found in plant oils. It helps with your dog’s skin, coat and hormone control.
- Arachidonic acid (AA) – initiates the inflammatory immune response. If your dog gets too much AA or other pro-inflammatory fats, it can lead to chronic inflammation.
Common omega-3 fatty acids and their sources include:
- Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) – an anti-inflammatory that competes with pro-inflammatory omega-6s to improve the immune response.
- Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) – makes healthy cell membranes to keep the eyes, brain and nervous system healthy.
- Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) – converts to EPA and DHA. It may also improve heart health, immune response and the nervous system.
- Stearidonic acid (SDA) – an anti-inflammatory fat that keeps the heart healthy. SDA also converts to EPA and DHA more efficiently than ALA.
- Eicosatetraenoic acid (ETA) – a powerful anti-inflammatory that modulates the immune system and helps restore cartilage.
You’re probably familiar with many of these sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. Especially oils from algae, phytoplankton, flaxseed, camelina, hempseed, fish and krill. But ahiflower is more beneficial than all these oils. Here’s why …
Why Is Ahiflower Better Than Other Oils?
Ahiflower is a nutritional omega powerhouse in a small package. It’s high in SDA, which converts to EPA more efficiently than other oils. And EPA is one of the most researched omega fats, offering anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties.
Ahiflower oil is also full of GLA, which most other oils are missing. That’s important because GLA is essential to your dog’s health. And it’s nearly impossible to provide too much GLA.
While there are many sources of omega fatty acids for your dog, ahiflower oil holds more nutritional advantages than other oils. Just look at how ahiflower oil performs compared to other, well-known oils, both plant and ocean-based.
Ahiflower Oil vs Fish Or Krill Oil
- Ahiflower oil contains 5-8% GLA, while fish and krill oil have no GLA.
- Fish and krill oil aren’t vegan or vegetarian … ahiflower is.
- Fish and krill oil can result in unpleasant, fish tasting burps, while ahiflower has a neutral taste.
- Ahiflower oil doesn’t cause overfishing of the ocean.
- Fish oil can contain heavy metals or toxic chemicals. Ahiflower doesn’t.
Ahiflower Oil vs Flax Oil
- There’s 18-20% SDA in ahiflower oil, compared to flax oil, which has no SDA.
- Flax oil also contains 0% GLA. Ahiflower contains 5-8% GLA.
- Ahiflower oil has a 76.2% greater adjusted amount of total omega-3 and omega-6. (adjusted amount – SDA was increased to reflect it’s improved conversion to EPA relative to ALA.)
- Ahiflower oil is 400% better than flax at converting GLA to EPA.
Ahiflower Oil vs Microalgae Oil
- Microalgae oil is more expensive than ahiflower oil.
- Ahiflower oil is more sustainable, not genetically modified and comes from the land rather than the water.
- Microalgae has 0 total omega-6, compared to ahiflower oil’s has 18% total omega-6.
Ahiflower Oil vs Chia Seed Oil
- Ahiflower oil has 18-20% SDA, compared to 0 SDA in chia seed oil.
- Chia seed oil has 90% GLA compared to 5-8% GLA in ahiflower oil.
- Ahiflower oil has a 55.7% greater adjusted total omega-3 and omega-6 than chia seed oil.
Ahiflower Oil vs Hempseed Oil
- There’s 10 times more SDA in Ahiflower oil than hempseed oil.
- There’s 60% more GLA in ahiflower oil than hempseed oil.
- Ahiflower oil has a 40% greater adjusted total omega-3 and omega-6 than hempseed oil.
Ahiflower Oil vs Echium Oil
- There’s 60% more SDA in ahiflower oil than echium oil.
- Ahiflower oil is more cost efficient and affordable than echium oil.
- Ahiflower oil has a 30.4% greater adjusted total omega-3 and omega-6 than echium oil.
And ahiflower oil has more than twice as much omega-3 and omega-6 as borage and sea buckthorn.
RELATED: How GLA can help fight inflammation and prevent disease …
Ahiflower Is A Sustainable Choice
Sustainability is important – there’s only one earth. And constantly depleting the ocean of small fish to make products like fish oil is unsustainable.
Fish oil comes from foraging fish species like anchovy, sardines and mackerel, which are wild-harvested. Some brands that sell fish oil use sustainable harvesting methods, but not all companies do. This means that fish oil isn’t completely sustainable, which harms those fish and disturbs the ocean’s fragile, natural ecosystem.
Ahiflower is a much more sustainable choice.
One hectare of ahiflower provides omegas equal to 320,000 anchovies or 100,000 sardines. That means ahiflower offers more nutrients and a smaller footprint than fish oils.
Ahiflower oil is also regenerative and enriches the soil it grows in. So farming and growing ahiflower builds soil fertility and biodiversity. And it supports the diversity of pollinators that are essential to survival of fruits, veggies and other plants.
How To Give Your Dog Ahiflower Oil
It’s safe and easy to give your dog ahiflower oil! It has a mild earthy taste and there are no known reactions to ahiflower oil. And it’s available in a liquid form or in softgels.
- Liquid: ¼ tsp for every 20-25 lbs of bodyweight. It’s recommended that you mix oil into wet food or dry food (with water added). Once opened, you can keep ahiflower oil refrigerated to extend its shelf life and keep in fresh.
- Softgel: 1 softgel (750 mg) for every 15 lbs of body weight.
Learning about omegas can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Check out The Ultimate Guide To Fats In Dogs to learn more about what fats your dog needs and how to give them.
Stark AH, Crawford MA, Reifen R. Update on alpha-linolenic acid. Nutr Rev. 2008 Jun;66(6):326-32.