

Stress Diarrhea in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Natural Treatments

Stress Colitis In Dogs

Every dog owner knows the distress of seeing their beloved pet unwell, and stress diarrhea in dogs is a condition that can leave both dogs and owners feeling helpless. But understanding and managing this common problem could be simpler than you think.

Understanding Stress Diarrhea in Dogs

Let’s shed some light on what stress diarrhea is, how it manifests in dogs, and the various factors that can trigger it. There are both psychological and physical aspects that can contribute to this condition, so you can better understand stress diarrhea if you know the potential triggers.

What is Stress Diarrhea? 

When dogs experience stress, their bodies respond with a series of physiological changes, often referred to as the “fight or flight” response. This response is designed to help dogs handle threatening situations, but it also affects normal bodily functions, including digestion.

Here’s what happens: when the body is under stress, it releases various hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones prepare the body for immediate action … essentially, they get the body ready to either fight the threat or run away from it. During this process, the body’s resources are diverted away from systems that are not immediately needed for survival, like the digestive system.

In practical terms, this means that digestion is slowed down or even temporarily stopped. The body does this to conserve energy and redirect it towards dealing with the stressor. However, this disruption in normal digestive processes can lead to various issues. For instance, the absorption of nutrients may be less efficient, and the movement of food through the gut can be altered. When this happens in the colon (or large intestine), it interferes with the colon’s ability to absorb water from the feces and the end result is diarrhea or runny poop. If the colon becomes inflamed, it’s called colitis (or stress colitis).

Chronic stress can lead to long-term imbalances in the gut, such as changes in the composition and number of gut bacteria. This can have a broader impact on overall digestive health and can be more difficult to treat.

Identifying Stress Diarrhea In Dogs

Recognizing the signs of stress diarrhea is crucial for providing timely and effective care. While every dog might react differently to stress, there are several common symptoms that you can watch out for. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Increased Frequency of Bowel Movements: One of the first signs of diarrhea in dogs is an increase in the number of times they need to go outside. If you notice your dog asking to go out more often than usual, it could be a sign they’re experiencing digestive discomfort.
  2. Changes in Stool Consistency: Stress diarrhea often causes a noticeable change in stool consistency. The stools may become loose or watery, and you might also observe a lack of the usual form or solidity in your dog’s bowel movements.
  3. Presence of Mucus or Blood: In some cases of stress diarrhea, you may see mucus or even bloody diarrhea. This is a sign of irritation or inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and should prompt a consultation with your veterinarian.
  4. Altered Behavior: Stress can also lead to changes in your dog’s overall behavior. This might include signs of anxiety such as pacing, whining, or seeming unusually lethargic or withdrawn. If your dog’s behavior changes along with their bowel habits, stress could be the underlying cause.
  5. Changes in Eating Habits: Dogs experiencing stress might lose their appetite or show less interest in food. Conversely, some dogs might eat more rapidly or excessively. Any significant change in eating habits, coupled with diarrhea, can indicate stress.
  6. Lethargy or Restlessness: Along with gastrointestinal symptoms, stress can manifest as either increased lethargy or restlessness in your dog. They might seem unusually tired, or conversely, unable to settle down and relax.
  7. Abdominal Discomfort: In some instances, dogs with stress diarrhea may show signs of abdominal discomfort. This can include a hunched posture, whimpering or groaning, or reluctance to be touched around the stomach area.

Understanding Your Dog’s Stress Triggers

It’s important to remember that diarrhea or colitis in dogs is often a response to an emotional or environmental trigger. Identifying and addressing these triggers is a crucial part of managing the condition. Common stressors for dogs include changes in their environment, loud noises (like thunderstorms or fireworks), changes in routine, or separation from their owners. These can all impact dog health and happiness.

Monitoring your dog’s behavior and physical health is key to catching stress diarrhea early. If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, it’s important to consider recent changes or events that might have caused stress in your dog. With proper care and attention, most dogs can quickly recover from stress diarrhea, but persistent or severe cases should always be evaluated by a veterinarian.

Natural Treatments for Stress Diarrhea in Dogs

While a trip to the vet may sometimes be warranted, veterinary treatment often includes the use of antibiotics, which can create even more distress over and severely disrupt the gut bacteria. Antibiotics can also cause diarrhea in many dogs, so it may be best to avoid them .We recommend trying to manage stress diarrhea at home or with the guidance of a holistic veterinarian. Here are some simple ways to manage stress diarrhea or colitis in dogs.

Diet and Nutritional Approaches

  1. Fasting: Fasting should be your first step for managing stress colitis (as long as your dog is not a young puppy). Avoid giving any food for 12-24 hours but always keep fresh water available. This allows the digestive system time to reset and will help slow colonic contractions after eating, which can further stress the colon.
  2. Use probiotics: Probiotics can be quite effective for reducing the symptoms of diarrhea. This is because beneficial bacteria can help reduce inflammation in the gut lining and also affect mood and anxiety levels. In fact, one study found that shelter dogs were less likely to suffer from stress diarrhea when given probiotics. (4)
  3. Give fiber-rich foods: Fiber-rich foods, especially those that contain fructooligosaccharides (FOS), can help balance bacteria in the colon and manage chronic colitis (1). Prebiotics like FOS promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and limit the growth of potentially harmful bacteria. 
  4. Change the diet: Most pet foods contain a large amount of carbohydrate, along with pesticides and chemicals. This can cause unwanted changes in the gut bacteria, which can irritate the gut lining. Consider giving your dog a fresh food diet that’s low in carbohydrate and contains high quality ingredients. 

Herbal Remedies and Supplements

When dealing with any type of diarrhea in dogs, certain herbal remedies and supplements can be incredibly beneficial. From CBD oil to specific herbs, Bach flowers, and essential oils, these natural solutions can offer gentle yet effective relief. Let’s delve into each of these options:


  1. Calming Effects: CBD oil is known for its potential to reduce anxiety and stress in dogs, which can indirectly alleviate stress-related diarrhea.
  2. Dosage and Safety: It’s crucial to choose a high-quality CBD oil formulated for pets and to start with a low dose, gradually increasing as needed. Always consult your vet before starting CBD, especially if your dog is on other medications.

Herbal Remedies

  1. Chamomile: This herb is renowned for its calming properties and can help soothe an upset digestive system.
  2. Ginger: Known for aiding digestion and reducing nausea, ginger can be helpful if your dog has a sensitive stomach due to stress.
  3. Slippery Elm: A natural remedy for gastrointestinal distress, slippery elm can help soothe the lining of the digestive tract.

Bach Flower Remedies

  1. Rescue Remedy: This is a popular blend designed to help relieve stress and anxiety in pets. A few drops can be added to your dog’s water.
  2. Individual Remedies: Depending on your dog’s specific stressors, individual Bach flower remedies like Mimulus for known fears or Aspen for unknown fears can be considered.

Essential Oils

  1. Lavender: Known for its calming properties, lavender can be diffused in the area where your dog spends most of their time. Note that direct application or allowing ingestion is not recommended.
  2. Frankincense: This oil is sometimes used for its soothing effects on nervous pets.

Important Considerations

  • Quality and Purity: Always opt for high-quality, organic products specifically labeled safe for pets.
  • Professional Guidance: Consult with a veterinarian, particularly one experienced in holistic or naturopathic treatments, before introducing any new supplement or remedy to your dog’s regimen.
  • Observation: Monitor your dog’s response to these remedies. What works for one dog might not work for another, and it’s crucial to observe how your dog reacts to these natural solutions.

Incorporating these herbal remedies and supplements can be a valuable part of a holistic approach to quickly stop diarrhea in dogs. Alongside these treatments, maintaining a calming environment and routine can significantly contribute to your dog’s overall well-being and digestive health.

Behavioral and Environmental Modifications

When it comes to tackling stress diarrhea in dogs, tweaking their environment and behavior can make a world of difference. Let’s look at some key strategies that can help manage this condition:

Creating a Calm Environment

  1. Safe Space: Ensure your dog has a quiet, comfortable space where they can retreat to when feeling overwhelmed. This could be a cozy corner with their favorite bed or a crate where they feel secure.
  2. Routine and Predictability: Dogs thrive on routine. Consistent feeding times, regular walks, and predictable daily activities can help reduce their stress levels.
  3. Noise Reduction: Loud noises can be a significant stressor for dogs. If your dog is sensitive to noise (like thunder or fireworks), try to create a sound-proofed area or use background music to mask the noise.

Behavioral Training and Support

  1. Desensitization and Counter-Conditioning: If your dog’s stress is triggered by specific situations (like car rides), gradually exposing them to these scenarios in a controlled, positive way can help reduce their anxiety.
  2. Obedience Training: Basic obedience training can provide structure and build confidence, making your dog feel more secure.
  3. Exercise and Play: Regular exercise is crucial for mental and physical health. Adequate playtime and walks can help burn off excess energy and reduce anxiety.
  4. Interactive Toys and Puzzles: Mental stimulation is as important as physical exercise. Toys that challenge their brain can keep them engaged and less stressed.

Household Dynamics

  1. Consistent Interaction: Dogs are social animals, so consistent, positive interaction with family members is essential. This includes petting, grooming, and playtime.
  2. Managing Multidog Households: In homes with multiple dogs, ensure each dog has its own space and resources (like food bowls and toys) to prevent resource guarding and related stress.
  3. Avoiding Punitive Training: Negative training methods or punishments can increase stress and anxiety. Opt for positive reinforcement techniques instead.

External Support

  1. Professional Help: If you’re struggling to manage your dog’s stress, don’t hesitate to seek help from a professional dog trainer or a behaviorist.
  2. Socialization: Encourage friendly interactions with other dogs and people, but be mindful of your dog’s comfort level and pace.

By implementing these behavioral and environmental modifications, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of stress diarrhea in your dog. Remember, every dog is unique, so it’s important to tailor these strategies to your dog’s specific needs and personality.

When to Seek Veterinary Help for Stress Diarrhea

While many cases of stress diarrhea in dogs can be managed at home with lifestyle adjustments and natural remedies, there are certain situations where seeking veterinary help is essential. Here’s a guide to understanding when professional intervention is necessary:

Persistent Symptoms

  1. Duration: If your dog’s diarrhea persists for more than a few days despite home care and dietary changes, it’s time to consult a vet.
  2. Intensity: If the episodes of diarrhea are severe or increasing in frequency, professional assessment is needed.

Accompanying Health Concerns

  1. Blood in Stool: While some stress-related diarrhea might involve a small amount of blood, significant bleeding is a red flag.
  2. Vomiting: If your dog is vomiting in addition to having diarrhea, this could indicate a more serious underlying condition.
  3. Lethargy or Weakness: Changes in energy levels or signs of fatigue alongside diarrhea should not be overlooked.

Behavioral Changes

  1. Loss of Appetite: If your dog is refusing food or showing a decreased interest in eating, it’s a cause for concern.
  2. Unusual Behavior: Noticeable changes in behavior, such as increased aggression, anxiety, or withdrawal, warrant veterinary attention.

Failure to Respond to Home Treatment

  1. No Improvement: If there’s no improvement in your dog’s condition after trying home remedies and dietary adjustments for a reasonable period, a vet can provide a more targeted treatment plan.
  2. Worsening Condition: If your dog’s overall condition seems to be deteriorating despite home care, it’s important to seek professional advice.

Risk Factors and Preexisting Conditions

  1. Age and Health Status: Very young, elderly, or dogs with pre-existing health conditions may be more vulnerable to complications from stress diarrhea and should see a vet sooner.
  2. Medication Interactions: If your dog is on other medications, a vet can ensure there are no adverse interactions with treatments for stress diarrhea.

Observing and understanding your dog’s symptoms are key. While stress diarrhea is often temporary and manageable, staying alert to these warning signs and seeking timely veterinary help can prevent complications and ensure the best care for your pet’s health and comfort.


Some form of stress is a reality for most modern-day dogs. Intense or ongoing stress can lead to digestive conditions like stress colitis. Coming up with a unique management plan for your dog and working to eliminate the stressors will be a key factor in their health & happiness.

  1. Defarges, A. Colitis in small animals – digestive system. Merck Veterinary Manual. 
  2. Fink , G. Stress: The health epidemic of the 21st Century: Scitech Connect. Elsevier SciTechConnect
  3. Malone, Jordan. Physiology, Gastrocolic Reflex. National Library of Medicine. 8 May 2022. 
  4. Rose, L. et al. Efficacy of a Probiotic‐Prebiotic Supplement on Incidence of Diarrhea in a Dog Shelter: A Randomized, Double‐Blind, Placebo‐Controlled Trial. Journal of Internal Veterinary Medicine. 2017 Mar-Apr; 31(2): 377–382.

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