

What Home Remedy Can I Give My Dog For Diarrhea?

stop dog diarrhea

Are you searching for answers to ‘what home remedy can I give my dog for diarrhea’? You’re in the right place. Dog diarrhea can be unsettling, both for your furry friend and for you. Thankfully, you can stop dog diarrhea with safe, natural remedies right at home.

Let’s review some gentle, effective solutions that can soothe your dog’s digestive troubles. From easy-to-prepare herbal concoctions to dietary adjustments, we cover a range of natural options. Not only will we guide you through identifying suitable remedies, but we’ll also discuss how to safely administer home remedies for dog diarrhea. Get ready to empower yourself with knowledge that can help get your dog’s tail wagging happily again in no time!

Understanding Diarrhea In Dogs

Most cases of diarrhea in dogs are caused by dietary indiscretion, bacteria, viruses and parasites. Here are the most common causes of dog diarrhea:

The Importance of Natural Remedies

Many of the causes of dog diarrhea are due to improper foods, immune issues or poor gut health. Natural remedies are well-suited to solving not just diarrhea, but any underlying health issues in your dog’s digestive system that may be causing it.

While your vet may be able to subscribe a drug that can stop dog diarrhea quickly, home remedies have several advantages over drugs:

Benefits of Home Treatments for Dogs

Here are some ways natural treatment is the preferred way to treat your dog’s diarrhea:

  1. Safe and Natural Ingredients: Many home remedies utilize natural ingredients which are often gentler and safer than over-the-counter medications. Ingredients like pumpkin, ginger, or plain yogurt are not only safe for your dog but also provide gentle relief without harsh chemicals or side effects.
  2. Ease of Access: One of the biggest advantages of home treatments is their accessibility. Many remedies can be made with common household items, meaning you can start treatment immediately without a trip to the store or waiting for a vet appointment.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: Home remedies are typically less expensive than veterinary-prescribed medications or treatments. This can be particularly beneficial for long-term management of chronic conditions.
  4. Stress Reduction: Treating your dog at home can be less stressful for your dog compared to visiting a vet clinic. Familiar surroundings can help keep your dog calm and comfortable, which is crucial for recovery, especially in stress-sensitive breeds.
  5. No side effects: Natural remedies are typically safe and carry less risk of unwanted side effects.

When to Choose Natural Over Conventional Medicine

Most cases of dog diarrhea are self-limiting and will resolve on their own in a day or two. Many dogs with diarrhea act and feel fine so natural remedies work well in most cases. But if your dog’s diarrhea lasts for more than a couple of days, your dog may become dehydrated.

To test if your dog is dehydrated, pinch the skin at the back of her neck then let go. It should bounce right back again. If the pinch of skin takes a second or more to return to normal, your dog might be dehydrated. Dehydration can be hard on your dog’s heart and kidneys, especially if there’s loss of appetite, so it’s a good idea to check with your holistic vet if your dog fails the pinch test.

Research-Backed Natural Solutions for Dog Diarrhea

Some cases of diarrhea may be more stubborn to manage, but understanding the causes of diarrhea is key to knowing how to stop dog diarrhea.

Proven Herbal Remedies for Digestive Upset

There are many safe and effective herbs you can give your dog to speed up the healing. Diarrhea is usually the result of an inflamed and irritated intestinal lining. Here are some of the best home remedies for dog diarrhea:

  1. Slippery Elm: Slippery elm is a gentle herb that soothes the mucous membranes. It’s safe and effective … and gentle on your dog’s sore digestive tract. Give slippery elm with food. Give ¼ tsp powder for every 10 lbs body weight. 
  2. L-Glutamine: This amino acid helps heal irritated intestinal cells. You can give it alone or with other supplements.  Give 500mg per 25 lbs of body weight daily.
  3. Marshmallow Root: This is another useful herb for soothing the gastrointestinal tract and decreasing inflammation.  Give 1/2 to 1.5 ml per 20 pounds body weight, twice daily.

For extra strength, you can combine equal parts of:

  • Slippery elm powder
  • FOS (fructo-oligosaccharide) powder
  • L-Glutamine powder

Give 1 tsp twice daily for every 25 pounds of body weight. 

Dietary Adjustments for Diarrhea Relief

Herbs alone may not be enough to stop dog diarrhea. Here are some important changes to add to your home remedies:

  1. Fast Your Dog: If your dog develops sudden diarrhea, stop feeding him for 12 to 24 hours. This may seem cruel, but it’s an important step. Once the diarrhea has stopped or slowed, you can offer small sips of water. If you see signs of improvement after 6 hours of water only, you can give your dog some broth. If you have a young puppy, check with your vet before fasting.
  2. Give ProbioticsProbiotics are beneficial microorganisms that can be used to naturally prevent and treat a wide range of health problems, including diarrhea. Probiotics provide your dog with valuable postbiotics like butyrate and lactic acid. These help regulate the immune system that lives in your dog’s gut. They help reduce inflammation, one of the core causes of diarrhea. The best probiotics for dogs with diarrhea include Saccharomyces boulardiiBacillus subtilisPediococcus acidilacticiLactobacillus acidophilus or Enterococcus faecium. These tried and tested probiotics help reduce the severity of diarrhea, including diarrhea from inflammatory bowel disease and colitis. Start your dog on probiotics as soon as you see symptoms and continue the probiotics for several weeks after symptoms resolve. They can also be given long-term to help prevent future episodes of dog diarrhea. 
  3. Reintroduce Food Slowly: Wait until the diarrhea has resolved to introduce food. It’s a good idea to start your dog off on soup or broth at first: this will be gentler on the stomach and will help resolve any dehydration.

What To Feed A Dog With Diarrhea

Transitioning back to a regular diet is an important part of your success. Once you have fasted your dog and the diarrhea has completely resolved,introduce food slowly to help prevent further tummy upset. You may have heard that a bland diet of white rice and boiled chicken can help with sensitive stomachs, but soup or broth is a gentler way to smooth your dog’s transition back to his regular diet. Here is a simple homemade recipe that’s the perfect followup to your home remedies:

  1. Place three to four chicken thighs in six cups of water.
  2. Add chopped celery and carrot if you like.
  3. Bring to a boil and simmer for 1½ to 2 hours.
  4. Remove the skin and bones and set the meat aside.
  5. Strain the broth and let it cool before serving.

Give your dog small portions of the soup … a few teaspoons for very small dogs, and ½ to one cup for larger dogs. Wait 4 to 6 hours and watch for diarrhea or vomiting before offering more. It’s important that you don’t feed the soup if there’s still diarrhea present. Don’t worry, adult dogs can easily go days without eating, as long as they can keep water down.

Understanding When to Seek Professional Help For Your Dog’s Diarrhea

If your dog is healthy and has a strong immune system, the diarrhea should resolve in 2 or 3 days. If your dog still has diarrhea and seems sick, work with your holistic vet to find out how to stop the diarrhea. Your vet may want to:

  • Change your dog’s diet
  • Run a fecal exam on your dog’s poop to rule out parasites
  • Check blood work to rule out concerns with organ functions
  • Do X-rays or an abdominal ultrasound to rule out foreign objects, obstruction  and cancer
  • Do an endoscopy to view your dog’s stomach, your dog’s digestive tract, and intestinal mucosa

Luckily, most cases of acute diarrhea are self-limiting. With this simple dog diarrhea home remedy, you’ll be able to help your dog get back to normal quickly.


What can I give my dog to stop diarrhea fast?

To quickly address diarrhea in dogs, fasting is often recommended for 12-24 hours. After fasting, introducing a bland diet like broth can soothe the digestive system. Natural remedies such as slippery elm or marshmallow root can also be effective by soothing the gut lining and reducing inflammation.

What stops diarrhea fast naturally?

Natural remedies that can halt diarrhea in your dog fast include providing a bland diet, using herbs like slippery elm, and giving probiotics to restore gut health. Fasting the dog briefly can also help reset the digestive system. Ensure ample hydration during this period.

What do vets give dogs for diarrhea?

Vets commonly prescribe medications like metronidazole or probiotics to manage diarrhea. For severe cases, anti-parasitic treatments or antibiotics might be necessary, especially if there’s an underlying infection contributing to the diarrhea. It’s best to consult with your holistic vet about veterinary care to treat diarrhea.

Can I give my dog Pepto Bismol for his diarrhea?

While Pepto Bismol can sometimes be used for dogs in very specific doses, it’s not generally recommended without veterinary supervision due to potential risks like salicylate toxicity or worsening of the condition. It’s better to use vet-approved treatments or natural remedies tailored to dogs. Always consult with a veterinarian before giving your dog any over-the-counter medications.


Herstad HK et al. Effects of a probiotic intervention in acute canine gastroenteritis–a controlled clinical trial. 

Blaabjerg S et al. Probiotics for the Prevention of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea in Outpatients—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Small Anim Pract. 2010 Jan;51(1):34-8.

Paap PM et al. Administration of Bacillus subtilis C-3102 (Calsporin®) may improve feces consistency in dogs with chronic diarrhea. Antibiotics (Basel). 2017 Dec;6(4): 21.

B Mounika et al. Effect of probiotic formulation containing Bacillus spp. on diarrhoea in dogs. The Pharma Journal 2019; 8(6): 81-85

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