
Natural Tick Repellent For Dogs (Quick and Easy)

Natural Tick Repellent for Dogs

As a dog owner, you know how important it is to protect your dog from ticks and the diseases they may carry. But toxic preventatives can be just as dangerous as the diseases so using a natural tick repellent for dogs is a better idea.

Let’s explore some natural solutions that could be better for your pet’s coat and overall health. But first, here’s why you need to be using tick repellent in the first place.

Why Are Ticks A Problem For Dogs?

Ticks not only carry Lyme disease. They also carry diseases like …

And these could be just as harmful to your dog.

There are many ways to prevent ticks. But as a dog owner you must be aware of the effects of chemical tick treatments which can be just as much of a problem. They can endanger your dog’s …

  • digestive tract
  • internal organs
  • overall health

That is why more dog owners want a natural tick repellent for dogs.

If you’re concerned about the impact these chemicals have on your dog and want to know how to prevent ticks on dogs naturally and safely, then read on. But first let’s talk about why you want to avoid traditional solutions like:

  • Bombs
  • Sprays
  • Dips
  • Spot Ons
  • Chewables
  • Collars

The Danger Of Chemical Tick Treatments

Like antibiotics, pesticides and herbicides, pests become resistant to certain chemicals. As a result, companies have to look for new solutions. And these solutions are often more harmful. And while you may think … “I have used these for years and have never had a problem”, this is not the case for many. In fact, every year, the EPA reports thousands of poisonings.

So what keeps ticks away naturally? Here are several types of a natural tick repellent for dogs to keep your dog and your family safe.

3 Ways To Prevent Ticks On Dogs Naturally

1. Dietary Tick Repellent For Dogs


Garlic is a DIY natural tick repellent for dogs. If you feed your dog garlic, it can make him less appealing to pests. The smell escapes through the skin and repels both ticks and fleas.

You may have heard that garlic contains sulfoxides and disulfides. And that these can damage red blood cells and cause anemia in dogs. This is true but … only when it’s fed in large amounts. It’s safe in moderate amounts.

Peel and chop the garlic and let it sit for 15 minutes before you add it to your dog’s food. This releases allicin, the active ingredient in garlic. Use a level measuring spoon and feed garlic to your dog based on his weight.

    5 lbs               ⅙ tsp     10 lbs             ⅓ tsp     15 lbs             ½ tsp     20 lbs             ⅔ tsp     30 lbs             1 tsp

Caution: Don’t give garlic to pregnant females, puppies under 6 months, or Akitas and Shiba-Inus. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can make your dog’s blood less attractive to ticks and fleas. Always buy organic ACV if you can. Add 2 tablespoons of the apple cider vinegar to the dog’s food or water bowl as a natural tick repellent.

2. Topical/External Tick Preventatives

Herbal Flea And Tick Powder

There are many tick powders (and sprays) that use herbal combinations as a natural tick prevention for dogs. Here’s a natural tick repellent for dogs recipe that you can make at home with just three ingredients:

  • Diatomaceous Earth
  • NEEM powder
  • Yarrow powder

Combine all three ingredients in equal amounts and mix well. Sprinkle a small amount all over your dog, pulling back the fur to let it get onto the skin. Be careful not to get it in your dog’s eyes and mouth.

Herbal Flea/Tick Collars

Like powders and sprays, you can also buy herbal flea and tick collars. Or you can make your own home remedies for ticks on dogs like this one:

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of almond oil with rose geranium oil or Palo Santo.
  • Dab a few drops on your dog’s neck area before you head out.
  • Or … put it on his collar once a week.

Tick Shampoo

You can also make your own shampoo that serves as a natural tick repellent for dogs. Mix several drops of Palo Santo with your favorite organic lavender shampoo. Let the suds sit on your dog for 20 minutes before you rinse. This will kill any ticks and prevent new ones. Or you can try this.

Here’s another natural tick repellent for dogs.

Citrus Repellent

  • Cut a lemon into quarters add to a pint jar.
  • Cover with boiling water and let steep overnight.
  • Pour into a spray bottle and spray all over your dog.
  • Be sure to spray …

– behind the ears

– around the head

– at the base of the tail

– in the armpits

3. Environmental Tick Prevention For Dogs


Beneficial nematodes are microscopic, worm-like organisms that live in soil. They feed on tick larvae so break their life cycle and kill off the parasite. You can buy nematodes at garden centres and online. When they arrive, add water and spread them around your yard with a sprayer or watering can. They will help naturally repel ticks.

Mow The Lawn

While it may not be your favorite chore, short grass can help prevent ticks. Especially if you live in an area where they’re more common.

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Food grade diatomaceous earth (DE) is a non-toxic powder. It consists of …

  • ground fossils
  • marine life
  • freshwater organisms.

While non-toxic to humans and animals, this powder is lethal to ticks and fleas. Use diatomaceous earth on your …

  • carpets
  • furniture
  • bedding
  • anywhere your dog likes to hang out

Leave the dust on the surface for about 24 hours and then vacuum it up. You can also put DE right on your dog. To sprinkle DE on your dog, pull back the hair to get it on the skin. But be careful! You want to avoid the nose, eyes and mouth.

Use A Natural Tick Repellent For Dogs … Or Several

All-natural tick prevention products are most successful if used in combination. And the most effective natural tick repellent for dogs is the one you are going to use consistently. That’s why dietary solutions, combined with topical and environmental products, provide broad-spectrum protection. And it avoids the complications that chemical products can cause.

Tick repellent for dogs doesn’t need to be a chemical-based treatment. There many natural repellents that you can use to give your dog a healthy, chemical-free life.


What is the best homemade tick repellent for dogs?

The best dietary tick repellents for dogs are apple cider vinegar and garlic. For topical homemade tick repellents for dogs, you can make one using natural essential oils. Combine 2 cups of water with two drops each of lavender, peppermint, and lemongrass essential oils. Spray this mixture on your dog’s coat before heading outdoors, avoiding the face and eyes.

What smell keeps ticks away from dogs?

Essential oils such as lemongrass oil, peppermint oil, and cedarwood oil are known for their tick-repelling properties. The scents of these natural oils effectively keep ticks away when applied through sprays or collars infused with these oils.

How do you get rid of ticks on dogs naturally?

To naturally eliminate ticks on dogs, apply a mixture of almond oil and rose geranium oil directly to the tick, making it easier to remove. Post removal, cleanse the area with antiseptic. Consistent grooming and checking the fur can prevent future infestations.

What can I give my dog to prevent ticks?

To prevent ticks on dogs, consider using natural repellent sprays made with essential oil like lemongrass and cedarwood essential oils. Additionally, feeding your dog a small amount of apple cider vinegar mixed with food can create an acidic environment that ticks avoid. Regular grooming and the use of tick-preventative collars also contribute to effective tick prevention.

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